e-ISSN 1973-4913
Volume : 43 Issue : 3 Year : 2024
Editor in Chief

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pelviperineology. 2019; 38(4): 130-134 | DOI: 10.34057/PPj.2019.38.04.008

Functional constipation: a conservative first line approach

1Essential Physical Therapy Great Neck, New York, USA

Functional Constipation (FC) is a common bowel disorder leading to restricted activity and a reduction in health-related quality of life. It is usually managed initially by increasing liquid intake, increasing or balancing the intake of soluble and non-soluble fiber, or using over the counter or prescription laxatives. However, these interventions are often ineffective and fail to address the underlying pathophysiology contributing to this condition. The knowledge and skills of practitioners well versed in a range of neuromusculoskeletal, manual and motor coordination skills, are a necessary adjunct in diagnosing and treating FC. This article focuses on Chronic Functional Constipation, and the conservative role that neuromuscular diagnosis and treatment offers. It seeks to inform professionals about the value of implementing a neuromuscular behavioral approach in the treatment of functional constipation.

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FREEDMAN PT M. Functional constipation: a conservative first line approach. 2019; 38(4): 130-134

Corresponding Author: FREEDMAN PT M.

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