pelviperineology. 2022; 41(3): 185-188 | DOI: 10.34057/PPj.2022.41.03.2022-10-1A posterior fornix ping-pong ball may be a more sensitive diagnostic test than the speculum test
Liu YI-RAN1,
Liu LU-BIN1,
Peter PETROS21Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology Chongqing Health Center for Women and Children, Women and Children’s Hospital of Chongqing Medical
University, Chongqing, China,
2University of Western Australia School of Mechanical and Mathematical Engineering, Perth WA, Australia
Relief of chronic pelvic pain and urgency by a speculum test is a standard part of the Integral Theory protocol for validating the pictorial algorithm’s predictions for ligament causation. Supporting the posterior vaginal fornix with a ping-pong ball relieved a 51-year-old woman’s deep pelvic pain and also improved her symptoms of frequent urination and night urination. A posterior fornix ping-pong ball would more directly support the uterosacral ligaments to relieve the tension on the visceral plexuses. As such it would appear to be a more direct test than the speculum test.
Cite This Article
YI-RAN L, LU-BIN L, PETROS P. A posterior fornix ping-pong ball may be a more sensitive diagnostic test than the speculum test. 2022; 41(3): 185-188
Corresponding Author: YI-RAN L.
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