To evaluate sexual satisfaction and distress scale score of women with MRKH syndrome after sigmoid neovaginoplasty, and how it affects marriage life.
A mixed method study, using The Sexual Satisfaction Scale for Women (SSS-W) as the quantitative method, continued by focused interview as the qualitative method, on eight women with MRKH and sixteen normal women. The research was held in Hasan Sadikin hospital.
Quantitative method results with t test shows the mean score of sexual satisfaction and distress scale corresponding to the equivalent score of normal women, measured by contentment, communication, compatibility, relationship and personal distress factors with p value: 0.083, 0.496, 0.056, 0.971 and 0.266 respectively. Qualitative method shows analysis of seven themes which are described under the following headings: sexual relations, partner’s reaction to women with MRKH, relationships with partners, patients’ concerns, motivations to have operation, family support, and self esteem as female. Participants who underwent neovaginoplasty were able to engage successfully in sexual intercourse. Partners of our patients could accept the MRKH condition and were satisfied with the neovagina. Participants have good relationship with partner. Participants’ current concern related to the inability of bear children. Motivations to have operation were to have better sexual relations. Family support is very important. Positive self-esteem, including self-confidence, was related to a successful treatment outcome.
Sigmoid neovaginoplasty is an effective technique to improve sexual relationship and help to alleviate distress of women with MRKH.