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March 2021


Pelviperineology 2021;40(1):1-2
1. Editor in Chief, Pelviperineology
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Dear colleagues,

It is my pleasure and honor to address you as the new editor in chief of Pelviperineology. I am particularly delighted to write my inaugural editorial in this issue, which is the first issue of the 40th year of publication of the journal.

I start this editorial by expressing my sincere appreciation to the Executive Committee of the International Society for Pelviperineology (ISPP) for trusting me with the prestigious position of editor in chief.

Let me begin by introducing myself. I am a Professor and the Chairman of the Department of Obstetrics & Gynecology, Galilee Medical Center, Bar-Ilan University, Azrieli Faculty of Medicine, Israel. I first became interested in urogynecology and pelvic floor disorders in 2003, while spending my sabbatical in Australia, with Professor Peter Petros. In Australia, based on Peter’s integral theory and my experience with lower genital pain treatment, we developed a theory on the pathogenesis of pain associated with the laxity of uterosacral ligaments.

Subsequently, I became the President of the International Society of Vulvovaginal Disease and chaired several international terminology committees on genital tract diseases. I authored about 200 papers in peer-reviewed journals, two books, and several chapters. Further, I served on the editorial boards of several journals, including The American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology, The Journal of Lower Genital Tract Disease, and Gynecologic and Obstetrics Investigation.

My vision is to elevate the journal’s standing to a top-level, modern publication with global readership, a leader in the development, evaluation, and promotion of the science of our specialty and introduce it to major medical database search engines. The journal has just been successfully indexed in Scopus, and we expect it to be indexed in PubMed soon.

Now, I turn to you, dear readers of the journal: This year is critical to the success of the indexing process. During this year, we will be evaluated by major search databases for the variety and scientific level of our publications. Without the involvement of readers, who are experts in the field and supporters of the journal, the journal will find it impossible to achieve its goal of becoming indexed in global databases. I look forward to receiving your valuable contributions in the coming issue.

This journal has traditionally promoted the study of the integral theory, which will continue to be the essence of its publications. Nevertheless, I wish to broaden the perspectives of the journal, while maintaining its excellence, by including research on pelvic and lower genital tract pain. Quite a few articles on this subject have already been published in Pelviperineology and, now, we announce pain as a major area of the journal’s research interest.

From this issue onward, we will be publishing a special section titled “In the path of giants”. In each future issue, we will be interviewing one of the pioneers in the pelviperineology specialty. We start with Professor Peter Petros from Australia. Peter, whose classic publications have permanently changed our understanding of the pelvic floor and ongoing scientific contributions are particularly noteworthy, is a good friend of the journal and supports it in every way he can.

In addition, we plan to introduce some other initiatives in the upcoming issues: debates on controversial issues, videos of interesting conditions and procedures, and transcripts of webinars initiated by the journal. In addition, we intend to maintain an open-minded attitude toward your ideas and comments.

This journal has been led by Professor Giuseppe Dodi for many years. Professor Giuseppe Dodi significantly advanced the journal’s scope and academic reputation. This is the appropriate time to thank him for the elegant manner in which he passed the chief editor’s role to me and for his continuing support. My goal is to uphold his legacy, as well as adding my own designs.

Further, I take this opportunity to acknowledge the support rendered by the journal’s publisher, “Galenos”, particularly Ms. Duygu Yıldırım and, until recently, Ms. Özlem Akgüney Küççük.

We will continue cooperating with the ISPP under the leadership of Professor Menahem Neuman, as well as with our affiliated national societies, such as the Associaciòn LatinoAmericana de Piso Pelvico, Israeli Society for Urogynecology and Pelvic Floor Medicine, Pelvic Reconstructive Surgery and Incontinence Association (Turkey), Perhimpunan Disfungsi Dasar Panggul Wanita Indonesia, and Romanian Uro-Gyn Society.

I further use this opportunity to thank the journal’s reviewers and editorial board members. These people form the backbone of any peer-reviewed journal. The comprehensive and considerate analyses sent to us by referees are essential to maintaining the journal’s reliability. Further, we are working constantly to minimize the time gap between manuscript submission and the editor’s decision.

Just as I assumed my new role as the journal’s editor in chief, we experienced the tragic loss of Dr. Maurizio Spella. Dr. Spella was a senior editor of the journal, and I reiterate that he will be missed by all. Professor Giuseppe Dodi wrote an essay in his remembrance. On behalf of all at the journal, we send our condolences to his family.

I conclude this inaugural editorial by promising that I will spare no effort to lead the journal to achieve all its objectives. It will be possible only with your help and active participation.

Wishing you a safe and healthy 2021.

Best regards,