Hypnosis has a longstanding tradition to induce analgesia and sedation in surgery.
Aim of the study:
The purpose of this study was to compare the effectiveness of hypnosis with local anesthetics during episiotomy repair. The clinical trial was designed as a prospective and randomised controlled study.
Patients and Methods:
Thirty primiparous women admitted for vaginal delivery were randomly categorized into two groups: hypnosis and local anesthesia groups.
The number of women who requested additional anesthesia during repair procedure, pain intensity, participant satisfaction and wound healing were evaluated using validated scales. The subjects who underwent hypnosis requested less anesthesia (8/15 women; 53%) than the local anesthesia group (14/15 women; 93%; P = 0.014). The mean pain intensity, one hour after the end of perineal repair, in hypnosis and local anesthesia groups was 3.0 ± 1.13 and 6.07 ± 2.34 respectively (P < 0.001). However, there were no differences in pain intensity and wound healing 24 hours after episiotomy repair. Participant satisfaction with the pain-relief method was unsignificantly more in the hypnosis group (86 versus 66%, P = 0.3).
Brief hypnosis as used in this study can be effective for pain relief and can be applied instead of local anesthesia during perineal repair.