Opinions and evidence on management of pelvic organ prolapse. Review and consensus statement (POP Working Group)
P: 39 - 47
June 2015

Opinions and evidence on management of pelvic organ prolapse. Review and consensus statement (POP Working Group)

Pelviperineology 2015;34(2):39-47
1. Coordinator POP Working Group, Università La Sapienza di Roma
2. Università di Firenze
3. Università di Padova
4. University of N.S.W., Sydney
No information available.
No information available



Pelvic organ prolapse is a global health concern affecting adult women of all ages. POP can be defined as a downward descent of female pelvic organs, including the bladder, uterus, post-hysterectomy vaginal cuff and the small or large bowel, resulting in protrusion of the vagina, uterus, or both. Its development is multifactorial, with vaginal childbirth, advancing age, and increasing body-mass index as the most consistent risk factors. Vaginal delivery, hysterectomy, chronic straining, normal ageing, and abnormalities of connective tissue or connective- tissue repair predispose some women to disruption, stretching, or dysfunction of the levator ani complex, connective-tissue attachments of the vagina, or both, resulting in prolapse. Patients generally present with several complaints, including bladder, bowel, and pelvic symptoms. No guidelines exist regarding the management and treatment of these disorders. This paper is a reduced version of the original Consensus Statement of an Italian POP Working Group whose intention was to give guidance and support for the approaches to problems of the pelvic floor, to suggest recognized guidelines and to stimulate further studies of the topic.


1) Male/female pelvic anatomy; 2) Pelvic Organ Prolapse (POP): Literature update; 3) The Integral Theory; 4) POP and faecal incontinence; 5) POP and obstructed defecation; 6) How to evaluate POP; 7) The role of imaging; 8) The minimum/correct work-up for POP evaluation; 9) The urogynecological view; 10) The role of conservative treatment; 11) The surgeon role in front of POP; 12) Sacrocolpopexy and rectopexy; 13) The pexies are the gold standard for any POP repair? 14) POP repair after the FDA warning; 15) The shrinkage/erosion of implanted material: complications evaluation and management.

Pelvic organ prolapse; Incontinence; Obstructed defecation; Mesh, Integral Theory; TFS.