Parity and pelvic floor dysfunction symptoms during pregnancy and early postpartum
Original Article
P: 48 - 52
June 2017

Parity and pelvic floor dysfunction symptoms during pregnancy and early postpartum

Pelviperineology 2017;36(2):48-52
1. Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Virginia Commonwealth University Inova Fairfax Campus
2. Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Newark Beth Israel Medical Center, NJ
3. Department of Obstetrics and Gunecology/Walter Reed National Medical Center, Bethesda, MD
No information available.
No information available


We studied the pelvic floor dysfunction symptoms in pregnancy and early postpartum and its association with parity and gestational age. Women who had been referred to low risk obstetric clinic for prenatal and early postpartum care, between January 2005 and August 2006 were recruited to the study. Women were invited to complete an anonymous, self-report questionnaire regarding pelvic floor symptoms (PFDI- 20). Dataset of 733 women were available for analysis. Only in nulliparous women, urinary frequency (58.8% vs 80.8%, P 0.005) and stress incontinence (20.5% vs 50.6%, P 0.001) were significantly more prevalent in second half of pregnancy in contrast to first half. All symptoms except painful defecation and urge urinary incontinence were significantly more prevalent in antepartum period than early postpartum. Logistic regression analyses revealed that increase in number of previous vaginal delivery was independently associated with presence of painful void, urge urinary incontinence and urinary frequency in early postpartum period. Pelvic floor dysfunction symptoms are significantly more frequent during pregnancy in comparison with early postpartum period. Additionally, prevalence of most symptoms was the same during first and second half of pregnancy. Parity and history of prior vaginal delivery did not affect the frequency of most symptoms during pregnancy.

Pelvic floor dysfunction symptoms; Pregnancy; Parity; PFDI- 20.