Objectives: This study aimed to compare women’s body image, positive effect on sexual functions and aesthetic appearance satisfaction after gynecologic cosmetic surgery especially labiaplasty.
Materials and Methods: This was a retrospective study. A sample of 42 women attending the private gynecology clinic in Mersin was entered into the study. Surgeries included labiaplasty plus vaginoplasty, clitoral hudoplasty, perinoplasty, augmentation of labia majora by filler or autolog fat transfer. Women were assessed for the female sexual function inventory at two points in time: 1 and 2 months after surgery.
Results: The results showed that women’s body image, sexual function and couples' sexual satisfaction improved significantly after labiaplasty.
Conclusion: The findings suggest that female genital cosmetic surgery especially labiaplasty improved the body image and sexual function of women and sexual satisfaction in couples.