We report a case of a pregnancy of a young woman who previously underwent a transvaginal pelvic floor repair with mesh for pelvic organ prolapse. A 36-year-old woman with complete utero-vaginal prolapse, occurred after a vaginal birth complicated in a 4° degree perineal laceration, who underwent transvaginal complete advanced pelvic floor repair with CR-mesh (A.M.I.) to restore all the three DeLancey levels of support. After this operation, good anatomical and functional results were obtained. Then, she became pregnant culminating in elective caesarean delivery. During cesarian section no problem was reported in relation to the previous mesh implantation. The post-delivery follow-up after 2 years exhibited no prolapse relapse. In conclusion, pelvic floor reconstruction with vaginal meshes could have positive significance for young patients who desire uterine preservation for future pregnancies. However, further studies with long-term follow- up are warranted to determine whether it can be used in women planning future pregnancies.