In this retrospective case series analysis of thirty Prolift procedures the authors describe aspects of the surgical technique as well as outcomes. The latter specifically addresses intraoperative, immediate and medium term post procedure periods with particular analysis of its effect on urodynamic stress incontinence (UDSI). The results of this study showed that the Prolift procedure is safe and very successful in treating women with a severe degree of pelvic organ prolapse. Primary haemorrhage of more than 500 mls in one patient during difficult vaginal hysterectomy was the only significant complication in this study and was not associated with the Prolift procedure in itself. The patient did not require blood transfusion. One of the important findings in this study is the fact that in six (43%) out of 14 women with UDSI the urinary symptoms were cured after the Prolift procedure alone. Indeed out of twenty-two women with symptoms of stress urinary incontinence (SUI), thirteen women (59%) had these symptoms cured by the Prolift procedure alone. This supports the practice of the main author in management of women with combined POP and SUI by offering these women a two stage procedure: first treat the POP by Prolift procedure then few months later perform Tension-free Vaginal Tape- Obturator (TVT-O) or Tension-free Vaginal Tape (TVT) procedure to treat UDSI.