Retropubic urethrolysis and tape sectioning for obstruction following incontinence surgery. Long-term results
Original Article
P: 45 - 48
June 2009

Retropubic urethrolysis and tape sectioning for obstruction following incontinence surgery. Long-term results

Pelviperineology 2009;28(2):45-48
1. Department of Urology, San Juan de Alicante University Hospital, Alicante, Spain
2. Department of Public Health, Miguel Hernandez University, San Juan de Alicante University Hospital, Alicante, Spain
No information available.
No information available


To evaluate the long terms results of retropubic urethrolysis and TVT tape section. Twenty-three patients were treated for clinicalurodynamic urinary obstruction following incontinence surgery between 1996 and 2004. Nineteen patients could be located and they completed a clinical review. Nine patients (Group I) underwent a retropubic urethrolysis procedure. In ten patients (Group II) section of the TVT sling was performed. Mean follow up was 59 ± 25 months in the urethrolysis group I (n = 9) and 39 ± 18 months in the TVT tape section group II (n = 10). All patients were reviewed by clinical interview, urine flowmetry, residual volume and cough test. Subjective assessment was carried out by questionnaires: SUIQ, I-QOL and PGI-I. Maximum average flow was significantly enhanced in both groups – to a greater extent in the TVT-section group. Residual volume disappeared in all cases. According to medical history, urgency was completely abolished in 12% of cases with relief in 87% in group I. In group II, urgency was totally eliminated in 66% with improvements seen in 33%. No patients, according to SUIQ questionnaire, were cured of their urgency incontinence in group I and only 50% in group II. I-QOL questionnaire showed 33% of patients in group I with more than 80 points and 50% in group II. The PGI-I questionnaire showed that 22% of patients in group I and 40% in group II experienced great improvement, and 33% in group I and 30% in group II showed sufficient improvement. Urethrolysis and tape sectioning can be highly successful to relieve iatrogenic obstruction and seem to be long-lasting. Complete resolution of storage symptoms is less likely. Quality of life evaluation of the outcome of urethrolysis and tape section is necessary.

Iatrogenic obstruction; Stress urinary incontinence; Tape sectioning; Urethrolysis.