Eighty-eight patients treated and enrolled in the registry of the Italian Sacral Neuromodulation Group (Gruppo Italiano di Neuromodulazione Sacrale - GINS) were evaluated after permanent implantation of a sacral neuromodulation device, with a median followup of 12 months. A statistically significant average improvement was observed in Quality of Life (QoL) and General Health Status, according to the Cleveland Clinic Fecal Incontinence Scoring System. Similar results were also observed in the three sub-groups of patients with: idiopathic neuropathy, iatrogenic sphincter dysfunction, and post-rectal resection. Manometric measurements at follow-up were compared with baseline measurements, and did not show a significant difference in total or in the different patient sub-groups. In conclusion, sacral neuromodulation can be regarded as an effective treatment for fecal incontinence in a selected group of patients. Further studies are required to better define the indications for this treatment.