The post hysterectomy vaginal vault prolapse (PHVVP) occurs with up to 50% of parous women. It was reported to cause a variety of urinary, bowel and sexual symptoms and to necessitate surgical correction in 11% of the female population. Up to 30% of all females suffer from pelvic floor relaxation progressed to a level which has a negative impact upon their quality of life. Hysterectomy results probably with damages to the integrity and blood supply of the endopelvic fascia as well as to the innervation of the pelvic floor musculature. This might potentially contribute to later POP manifestation. Post hysterectomy vaginal vault prolapse challenges commonly the pelvic floor healthcare practitioner, requiring thorough understanding of the pathology and adequate skills for treating it. Various aspects of PHVVP reconstructive surgery a well as operations for the cure of co-existing morbidities as urinary incontinence, vaginal wall prolapse etc. are discussed in depth.