e-ISSN 1973-4913
Volume : 43 Issue : 3 Year : 2024
Editor in Chief

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pelviperineology. 2020; 39(4): 123-131 | DOI: 10.34057/PPj.2020.39.04.004

Minimal invasive and effective therapy of faecal incontinence with a preanal tape

1Department of Urogynaecology, Helios Kliniken Krefeld, Lutherplatz, Germany, 2Department of Gynaecology, St-Antonius Hospital Eschweiler, Germany, 3Department of Coloproctology, Magen-Darm-Zentrum Wiener Platz, Cologne, Gemany, 4Department of Urology, Universitätskliniken Köln, Cologne, Germany

Objective: :The existing surgical therapy modalities for the treatment of faecal incontinence do not provide satisfactory results. Our understanding of the pelvic floor anatomy and physiological biomechanics of the anal canal are the basis for the theoretical development and practical therapy of faecal incontinence.
Materials and Methods: :According to the Integral Theory System and similarly to a suburethral sling, a preanal sling is placed under the pelvic floor.
Results: :The presented operation was successfully done on three patients beyond treatment for their faecal incontinence.
Conclusion: :We present a simple and functional surgical method for the treatment of faecal incontinence.

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MUCTAR S, MÜLLER-FUNOGEA A, KOWALLIK M, FISCHER N. Minimal invasive and effective therapy of faecal incontinence with a preanal tape. 2020; 39(4): 123-131

Corresponding Author: MUCTAR S.

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