e-ISSN 1973-4913
Volume : 43 Issue : 3 Year : 2024
Editor in Chief

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pelviperineology. 2018; 37(3): 70-73 | DOI:

The role of detrusor rigidity in the lower urinary tract dysfunction. Hypothesis

1State Geriatric Center, Netanya, Israel

Objective :To define the role of detrusor rigidity in the pathogenesis of various forms of low urinary tract dysfunction.
Results :We hypothesize that the motility of the urinary system and anorectal zone are subject to the same laws. Extrapolating the known mechanisms of fecal continence and defecation to urination, we propose a hypothesis of motor function of the lower urinary system. Changes in voiding parameters in lower urinary tract dysfunction (LUTD) suggest that detrusor contractility and efficiency decrease with age. This is characterized by a decrease in volume of the urinary bladder, and the thickening of its wall. Smooth muscle fibers are gradually replaced by connective tissue, leading to loss of elasticity and hence increased rigidity of the detrusor. Similar changes occur in the urethral sphincters. Contraction of the prostate then acts to support urinary retention in men when urination is delayed for long periods. In patients experiencing LUTD, it strikes more frequently at night than during the daytime. In this paper we discuss the mechanisms of pathological change as a result of the detrusor rigidity from the detrusor overactivity to the bladder outlet obstruction and then to the underactive detrusor are discussed.
Conclusion :Taken in conjunction with the concept of age related rigidity of the detrusor and urethral sphincters, our proposed hypothesis of lower urinary tract motility allows us to view the pathogenesis of various impairments of urination as a single process. This makes it possible to explain all the symptoms of LUTD. Further testing of the hypothesis is necessary.

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LEVIN M. The role of detrusor rigidity in the lower urinary tract dysfunction. Hypothesis. 2018; 37(3): 70-73

Corresponding Author: LEVIN M.

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